Saturday, April 4, 2009


How to submit a form to email


I've noticed various webmaster form threads ; with everyone asking the same question.

Basically, you have a page with a "Contact US" form and when you try hitting submit you are not getting any email messages.

This maybe because the free-space is not doing SMTP, it is turned off, or your email system thinks the message is SPAM.

Whatever, the reason I have put together simple form to email program - FREE for ANYONE

Here's how to use it:

Step #1) Go Here and Register

**Be sure to put the exact page that your contact us page will be called in the "Website Form" field. Otherwise it will not work

Step #2) After sign-up you will get an email with a secret key

Step #3) Add the code below to your contact us page (remember to replace YOUR-SECRET-KEY below with the secret key you get in the email


HTML Code:

<H1>Contact Us</H1>


Please fill out the form below to send us a message.


<INPUT TYPE="hidden" Name="SecretKey" Value="YOUR-SECRET-KEY">

<TD>Your Name: </TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"><INPUT TYPE="text" Name="YourName" Value=""></TD><TR>

<TD>Your Email:</TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT"> <INPUT TYPE="text" Name="FromAddr"></INPUT></TD><TR>


<B>Your Message</B><BR>
Verification:<INPUT Type="Text" Name="VerifyCode" Size=8>

a = Math.random();
document.writeln("<IMG Width='100' Height='100' SRC=\"" + a + "\">");
Type the letters you see in the box to the left. <A TARGET="_new"
What's This?</A>

<INPUT TYPE="Submit" Name="Submit" Value="Send Message">

That's it, go to the page you just created and try to submit a message!
All of the items contained on the form will be emailed to the page you setup when you registered. You can have multiple form pages, but each will require a separate registration and thus a separate secret key

You can add as many form fields as you like, but you cannot remove the CAPTCHA (Spam prevention tool)

If you want an autoresponse sent when submit submits the form you will have to create a text file on your server containing the autoresponding text you would like to have emailed back to your users.

Hope you enjoy it !

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